Doom – Corrupt Fucking System cassette
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Doom – Corrupt Fucking System cassette
"There’s nothing too unusual here. If you’ve listened to Doom’s previous albums – and if you’re at all interested in crust punk, or any of the countless bands and genres that have been influenced by it and the band, then you really should have – or the recent 25 year anniversary compilation that Moshpit Tragedy put out for free download, then you’ll know what to expect. The aggressive riffs, drumming, and hoarse vocals that make up Doom’s sound – and form the basis of crust punk – are here and accounted for. What’s notable is just how good they are. These songs can stand up against anything in the band’s back catalogue, and come out favourably. They may not all rage ahead in the way that the band’s early records did, and the production (done by Bri Doom himself) is considerably better with just the right mix of grit and sheen, but that’s to be expected as time and technology progresses.
There’s no doubting the fury of the band, either. There’s plenty of samples on the album making it clear what the band’s opinion of religion and the present state of capitalism and politics is. It’s easy (and lazy) to accuse a band so overtly political of being humourless, but I can’t help but find a sly sense of fun in the sampled adverts for Wonga and the like. It’s not just the samples that show a modern relevance; the lyrics aren’t just your lazy, aimless “political” type, but relate to modern issues – the Vatican protection of paedophile priests, the Con-Dem government of the UK, the “war on terror”, the rise of Golden Dawn – as well as more timeless concerns such a vivisection and political control. Politics and Doom have always gone together, and it’s heartening (yet also depressing, in that these issues are still so relevant) to see that the band have lost none of their fury with time. Final Hour (for Golden Shower) is my favourite song on here, with a brilliant mix of fury and humour." - The Sound Not The Word