Dropdead s/t (1998) lp
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Dropdead s/t (1998) lp - 2020 re-issue.
"Dropdead album two has been entirely remixed by Kurt Ballou (of hardcore punk band Converge) with audiovisual enhancement of the back catalogue the responsibility of Brad Boatwright at Portland-based Audiosiege studios. Compared to the first album, and as the hype suggests, it was – amazingly – harder. That’s some feat given the nature of the entity that is Dropdead. The first album was famously relentless and full-on. Yet, from the off, with the tellingly titled ‘Superior’ you are under no illusions that the level of aggression here will be off the scale.
At 18 songs deep, the average track length sits at about a minute, rather than the 30 or 40 seconds of album one which boasted 34 short-lived grindcore blasts. Bizarrely, that makes the second LP more tuneful, although that certainly isn’t down to Bob’s vocals which comprise unabated screaming throughout. If you listen to Dropdead albums one to three, you’ll hear the escalation in the vocal style from album one to two which is then moderated for the recent release of album three. It’s an adjustment that doesn’t reflect, in any way, diminishing fervour. No, it points to a steep learning curve. When you can force your point home as concisely and painfully as this band does, you just don’t have to scream." - Lesley MacDonald / Uber-Rock