An Albatross – Eat Lightning, Shit Thunder CD
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An Albatross – Eat Lightning, Shit Thunder CD
"So yet another lp of yabbering tomfoolery enters the hallowed depths of my record collection. Woo woo. Everything and everything. Emo chaos in the style of Usurp Synapse mixed up with the Locust’s Devo-grind, cheap Casio keyboards kerplonking in the distance, but not in such a sci-fi style as those crazy kids with the insect masks, more in the vein of a toned-down Tarot Bolero or something 80s and synthesised that I’d hear on the radio while my mother made gingerbread men and I watched Monkees reruns. Uh huh. Samples. Riffery that strays into the territory of what sounds like spandex-era heavy metal when it was all about Poison and having inflatable monsters on stage with you. Glass gargling vocals. The sound of wild dogs over circus music. Hipster language yanked from the 50s or 60s in the lyrics that maybe the Rye Coalition should be using. Some nice personal spiel from the vocalist on the lyric insert." - Alex Deller / Collective Zine