Vice City Rockers ‎– Code C 7"

Vice City Rockers ‎– Code C 7"

Regular price $5.50 Sale

Vice City Rockers ‎– Code C 7"

"The Vice City Rockers were a bunch of kids who I thought (and still think) were going tobe the saviors of garage-punk once they put out a few records. All of you witnessed the genius of songs like "Christmas Calculator" on their split with Livefastdie. They sent me a demo called 'Rocket To Prussia' two summers ago and I listened to it every day for months. In a drunken stupor I managed to convince myself that "Strictly Business" was one of the greatest songs of these modern times. And when I woke up hungover the next morning, I still believed it. I don't think VCR maybe had hopes as high for themselves as I did for them. I guess they all moved on, their brilliant moments recorded for posterity, thank the Lord. You can say what you want about their post-Black Lips garage-punk moves, but these kids invested their songs with the real piss and heart that those guys had when they recorded their first single. Absolutely vital sounding. Catchy, rocking, seemingly effortless and balls-out drunk and high, the type of shit that comes from a bunch of kids who hang out together while skipping school and drinking only the cheapest of malt liquor and listening to the finest of records. The songs? "Code C" is a total rocker that slips from paranoiac to lucid from chorus to verse motored by bass throb and smashed-to-shit drums. And it's only the second best cut. "Strictly Business" is so catchy, so punk, I seem to remember the lyrics being about their Korean pot dealer or something ("He spells his name K-W-O..."). There's a demo version of this track that is even more sick, if that's possible. "Gamblin' Man" is the roller, up-tempo whoop-ass New Jersey country rock. This shit is real. Vice City Rockers, you are my heroes. Come back. The rest of you should buy this record as soon as humanly possible." (RK) / Terminal Boredom