Nerdkween - ProfitandLoss CD
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Nerdkween - ProfitandLoss CD
"Profitandloss" is Nerdkween's sophmore album which features seven new songs.
"Surrounding herself with what I'm going to call "seriously analogue looping mechanisms" (actually tiny, portable boomboxes) she used to create walls of ambient sound, Nerdkween matched jaw-dropping white-noise soundscapes with lo-fidelity acoustic songs, all seemingly themed on the concept of moving and searching for...something. Doesn't matter-I, literally, found myself with my head back, eyes closed, utterly lost in her sonic world." - Resonator Magazine
"When I'm asked about "who my favorite Atlanta bands are", my list almost inevitable includes the enigmatic Nerdkween. Those conversations usually end with me saying something along the lines of "you've got to see her live to understand...". In a city which showcases so much exceptional indie, country, hip-hop, blues, and rock music; Nerdkween manages to be all of those things, yet none of them at the same time." - Matt Jarrard / Atlanta A List
"We have heard many sparse and simple artists over the past few decades...but rarely have we heard an artist as stark and naked as Atlanta, Georgia's Nerdkween. Whereas nowadays in the twenty-first century the usual idea is to inundate the listener with layers upon layers of digital multi-tracking...this young lady instead takes the exact opposite approach. Hearing this, the only possible comparisons that come to mind are Nico and Lisa Germano...mainly because all three share a strange, ultra-serious sound that is somehow distant yet profound." - Babysue