The N.E.C. – Pineapple lp
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The N.E.C. – Pineapple lp
Enlightened Atlanta-based power trio The Natural Extension Concept, usually denoted simply as The N.E.C., dropped a propulsive, damn-near masterpiece in 2010 titled Is-- a body of work that flawlessly explored the strata between Nuggets and Psychocandy at gulf stream velocity. Ready for another go this year, The N.E.C. reaches even further past the edge of the observable universe with the forthcoming cosmic punk manifesto Pineapple, a seven-song collection that packs an expanded sonic pallete and some befuddling, Dark Side of the Spoon-evocative artwork. The lead single, "Creatures Flaming," transmits The N.E.C.'s moodier and more cavernous dimensions, saturated with bursts of fluttering analog synth washes as pummelling as they are silky and enigmatic. Here, and throughout Pineapple, the group's trademark sounds-- crunchy, dub-like tape echo, buoyant space jangle, junky shoegaze tectonics, soaring choruses-- remain in tact while The N.E.C. actively dredges out new subterranean textures, all with a viscerally aphotic punch. Pineapple offers a prime example of a band that stays true to its carved niche while maturing and exploring new songwriting approaches. --Kenny Bloggins, The Decibel Toll The N.E.C.: Cyrus Shahmir: Vox, Guitar, Synth James Oh: Bass Saejin Choi: Drums Album credits: Justin Newton: Drums on "Any Place You Want" Jay Royals: Drums on "100 feelings" Chris Kaufmann: Guitar on "100 Feelings" Recorded at Rail Road Earth, 1250 Woodland, The Living Room and Sampson Sound Studios/Apricot. Mixed by Cyrus Shahmir. Mastered by Alan Douches.