Headache City – We Can't Have Anything Nice lp

Headache City – We Can't Have Anything Nice lp

Regular price $15.00 Sale

Headache City – We Can't Have Anything Nice lp

Hey kiddo, if you missed the HEADACHE CITY hit-singles on fancy labels like HoZac you should definitely check out this platter! And if you already know their singles, you should get this piece of wax, TOO, because three of the single-hits are included in different versions!!!

As everybody might know HEADACHE CITY shares members with the brilliant COCOCOMA - and to be honest I don't know which band is more brilliant. As for HEADACHE CITY I can only tell you, that they've recorded a real high-standard Garagepunk-gem with this one. Just listen to great songs like "Channel 9", "Down The Drain", "Shivvers" or "1986" - they'll get in your ear and go down straight into your legs! Or check out "Gypsy" with it's gloomy atmosphere, hypnotizing vocals and a really extraordinary guitar-line. Breathtaking! Have to say more? HEADACHE CITY is definitely an outstanding band in nowadays

Garagepunk-circus and they prove it with this record! So get it or get lost!