The Immortal Samsara Travelers – Hanging Gardens In Glacial Apocha CD
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The Immortal Samsara Travelers – Hanging Gardens In Glacial Apocha CD
Agartha will rise from the burning soil, made of electricity and obsidian.
The Immortal Samsara Travelers is an ever changing, ever revolving idea, philosophy and primarily musical ensemble of cultural and sonic prophets. Adopting primarily the aesthetics of heavy, frequential drone music, analog synthesizers, shamanic chants and traditional eastern instrumentation with heavy distorted amplified guitar. Creating a sense of urgency in loud meditation.
Originating from the mind of psych wizard Stanley Christiaensen (Polymelia) envisioning a project that would carry out the soundtrack to the inevitable societal shift to a more sustainable and logical evolutionary step forward in the development of the human species. Gathering knowledge of lost civilizations, ancient occult and spiritual practices to make the leap from homo-sapien to homo-sensibilis. The sensible, highly intelligent, highly empathic and highly skilled superhuman, who will combine Buddhist methods of compassion and being with futuristic scientific breakthroughs melding magic, architecture and the unmistakeable power of the mind into crafting a post homo-sapien new Babylon. Full of hanging gardens, brutalist buildings, space trade and an absolute disdain for war and strife.
In late 2020 Stanley Christiaensen tapped American drone metal guitarist Robert Halloran to start working on the sonic landscape for this future utopia, while also thinking about the future of drone metal. Where would they like to see it go from what has already been done? Melding palpable synthesizers, and even subtle influences from psytrance and hardcore dance music into the unfamiliar territory of amplifier worship. After two years of hard and dedicated work the first manifesto was birthed, supported by the magnificent artwork by Hervé Scott Flament, the optical and the aural were in place.