A Place To Bury Strangers / Ceremony – Burning Plastic / Send Me Your Dreams split 7" record
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A Place To Bury Strangers / Ceremony – Burning Plastic / Send Me Your Dreams split 7" record
"Brooklyn-based label Famous Class will commemorate its late friend and label partner, Ariel Panero, with a split 7″ series titled LAMC, which takes its name from the Less Artists More Condos concerts that Panero spearheaded. Panero’s vision championed the artist and attempted to bolster more recognition to each act. LAMC plans to do the same, and Brooklyn shoe gazers A Place to Bury Strangers headlines the first 7″, which sees its release today. The previously unreleased track is titled “Burning Plastic” and you can stream it below." - Michael Roffman
Ceremony provide "Send Me Your Dreams" on the b-side.