Grupo Sub-1 – Nuevos Dioses lp
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Grupo Sub-1 – Nuevos Dioses lp
After recording these songs on a 4-track Geiger Counter in Reactor 3 of the Fukushima power plant, the mutated Cold War kids of GRUPO SUB 1 from Madrid/Spain raided gas stations and oil rigs, tapped Russian pipelines and SUV cars in order to get this record pressed in the boundless spheres of the Wastelands to leave a loud evidence of spastic No Wave Punk to the archaeologists of a postnuclear world. In the end time of civilization, this record will be the Tablet of the Law of the New Gods.
A new testament in Spanish language brought to mankind by four prolific prophets with an earthshaking and piercing female voice and the synthesized organ sound of a new church, mixed with the early primitive attempts of Punkrock, a sound that experts will later compare to LOS REACTORS, UNITS or the SCREAMERS in a time when human bodies were still able to produce Bloodstains and you could be Killed By Death.