Keuhkot – Jatketaan Universumia lp - The edges of the cover have very light wear through the shrink from shipping to the vendor.
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Keuhkot – Jatketaan Universumia lp
The edges of the cover have very light wear through the shrink from shipping to the vendor.
Keuhkot is, as Jordan N. Mamone suggests, “the world’s only one-man avant-garde Finnish vaudeville act.” “Keuhkot” is the stage name of Kake Puhuu, born Kalevi Rainio; the word means “Lungs,” and man oh man does this guy own a pair! He is driven by a vision as distinctive as any outsider artist: equal parts dystopian warnings, eco-activism, avant-garde music and D.I.Y. art. Once part of the punk underground in Tampere, Finland (pop. 200,000), Kake moved to the village of Pomarkku (pop. 2,000) where he has lived for years in a converted schoolhouse in the woods.
"It’s tough to freak people out these days. Mass shootings and pandemic briefings are now shrug-inducing facts of life. Bonkers conspiracy theories roll off the forked tongues of mainstream politicians. And the most extreme metal and hardcore have become fodder for juvenile video-game soundtracks and skateboarding demos. Despite this onslaught of numbing drivel, a single song by Keuhkot—the world’s only one-man avant-garde Finnish vaudeville act—is guaranteed to rouse the average dope from his or her desensitized stupor. At very least, it might elicit an impassioned plea to hit the mute button." - Jordan N. Mamone