Know Massive ‎– MoodSwingSet CD

Know Massive ‎– MoodSwingSet CD

Regular price $3.00 Sale

Know Massive ‎– MoodSwingSet CD

Arriving in atlanta alone in 1999, Jason Atkins was looking to revive the feel of earlier projects from his days in Indianapolis. As a member of an early incarnation of Knowmassive in 1994, using the alias, Knowone, Atkins developed his song writing ability and overcame his early anxieties of live performance. Conversely, his "atlanta" sound shows his strength as a vocal leader. Furthermore, he began to create songs around and for other musical artists that influenced him. These songs [movements] try to encompass a feel and represent a form of tribute to others who have shaped and altered the path of music. As performer magazine states: "Knowmassive mixes literary and pop culture allusions along with his intensely visual self-contained phrases like a series of snap-shots to dominate the listener'rs consciousness". Jason Atkins also helped to create the fresh air foundation. The foundation is a fixture of the atlanta hip hop community, organizing shows and preformances throughout atlanta.