Marty Belcher / Jason Bivins Double Quartet - EXO CD

Marty Belcher / Jason Bivins Double Quartet - EXO CD

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Marty Belcher / Jason Bivins Double Quartet - EXO CD

(Babysue) We've learned to expect the unexpected from releases on the strangely-named Richmond, California-based label Public Eyesore. This disc arrived with no press release, no publicity photo, and no explanations...which is usually a good thing because it forces lazy writers like us to actually focus on the music instead of extraneous details. This 58 minute plus album features fourteen tracks of experimental modern classical music that is moody and thought provoking. Playing on the album are Philip Anderson (electronics, vocals, fx), Marty Belcher (sopranino, soproano, tenor saxes), Jason Bivins (electric guitar, fx), David Miller (trumpet, pocket trumpet, flugelhorn), Chris Rail (tenor sax, percussion), Michael Rings (synthesizers, vocals, electric guitar, fx), Joe Stone (drums, samples), and Dan Wick (piano, drums). With so many artists taking part, you'd think that these tracks would be thick and muddy...but instead the exact opposite is true. There are plenty of wide open spaces between the instruments...and the players don't seem interesting in overplaying. There are no songs listed on the sleeve. Provocative and compelling stuff. - Don Seven