Sadomatic Rites – Demo 2023 cassette
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Sadomatic Rites – Demo 2023 cassette
I have no idea what is going on in South Korea that instigates this level of madness, but there's something happening there. Some of the craziest-sounding black / death metal I've heard lately appear to be emanating from that region of the world; it's as if the South Korean black metal scene is plagued with rabies. Take Sadomatic Rites. This brand new project crawled into my skull via the fantastic Rites of Pestilence Youtube channel, and I can't get it off me. I can’t get it off me. This is absolutely punishing black crud, low-fi and hand-made and totally horrendous, coming from the foul orbit of the Berserk Ritual Productions community of bands, all of which exists in a kind of bizarre, hyper-Satanic frenzy. That all-out Satanic madness fully infects the brain-damaged blackened gurgle of Rites, the totally incomprehensible vocals alluding to mindless acts of blasphemy and profanity, desecration and disturbed apocalyptic visions. This stuff is unapologetically obscene.
The original online demo (which initially was just two or three songs) slimed over me like a barely-sentient black oil spill, serving up a blast of stumbling necrotic doom with bizarre delay-drenched vocals, weird unidentifiable noises, and disturbing, ophidian hissing. Bass-heavy, and distorted to hell. The music violently lurches from side to side, from one sicko riff to the next, but sticking with a repetitive, hammering hypnotic attack where the anonymous monster behind this grinds out these filthy, fucked-up riffs ad nauseum That barbaric simplicity and anti-social gibbering combines with a kind of sludge-punk minimalism that stinks up the joint. Vocals echo over the satanic sludge through a thick haze of delay and other effects.
The band blatantly cites the likes of Beherit and Ride For Revenge as its main influence (the band name itself is taken from a Beherit song, natch), and boy, you can definitely hear it. But over here, my ears also pick up guttural whispers of the messy, crushing, doped-out trudge of stuff like Upsidedown Cross, Kilslug, and Drug Problem-era Drunks With Guns. It all sounds so mangled, murderous, and likely psychotic. A glorious mess of loathing and antipathy. When things pick up the pace, like on the bumbling quasi-blast of "Piss Your God's Grave" (sic) and the tumbling havoc of "Crawling Slaves of Jesus Christ" (zero subtlety here, folks), Rites turns even more chaotic and damaged, a caveman thrash beat banging away beneath chaotic shredding, atonal guitar "solos", and those incessant, repulsive chant-like vocals. The abrupt tempo changes from manic hammering to gluey psychedelic pummel give me a wicked case of whiplash. Then there's the parts where it sounds like droning synth drifts up out of the gutter, adding a creepy ambience to this stuff; it's those moments that evoke the ancient weirdness of Drawing Down The Moon-era Beherit, not something that many bands are capable of pulling off. It's bonkers.