The Party Of Helicopters - Abracadaver cd - Insert is VG+
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The Party Of Helicopters - Abracadaver cd
Both of the staples in the insert have some rust and the insert has very minor crease marks.
"Abracadaver" was originally released in 1997 on Stickfigure and was reissued on cd with two extra tracks in 2003 on stickfigure.
The repress has been repackaged in a jewel case and remastered so this version is definitely improved over the previous version.
The Party Of Helicopters second full length "Mt Forever" made spin magazine's top 10 records of the year in 2000.
"Abracadaver" is the fulllength that started paving the way for their moterhead/ black metal influenced brand of in your face rock and roll.
Reissued in 2003